Article Retraction & Withdrawal

In scholarly communication, it is a fundamental principle that the journal editor or proceedings editor is solely and independently responsible for determining which submitted articles are suitable for publication. This decision is made in accordance with the journal’s editorial board policies and within the framework of legal requirements, including those related to defamation, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. This principle underscores the importance of scientific archives as permanent historical records of scholarly transactions. Published articles should remain intact, accurate, and unaltered to the greatest extent possible. However, there may be exceptional circumstances where a published article must be retracted or removed. Such actions should only occur under extraordinary conditions and after careful consideration. In all instances, the archives of Eksergi: Jurnal Teknik Energi will retain all versions of articles, including those retracted or removed.

This policy has been formulated to address such situations while adhering to best practices within the academic and library communities. As standards evolve, the journal will revisit this policy, seeking input from academics and librarians. Furthermore, the journal supports efforts to establish international standards for handling such matters and actively advocates for practices adaptable to the information and publishing industries.

  • Article Retraction

Articles may be retracted due to significant scientific errors or ethical violations, such as multiple submissions, false claims of authorship, plagiarism, or fraudulent data use. Retraction requires a signed statement from the authors, with consent from all co-authors, before it can proceed. A retraction notice will be published and linked to the original article, which will be clearly marked as retracted. The notice will include the reasons for retraction and the party responsible for initiating it. While the original article will remain accessible in both online and print versions, it will be identified as retracted, and the retraction will also be listed on the content page.


  • Article Withdrawal

Article withdrawal is discouraged and reserved for exceptional cases involving early versions of articles that have been accepted for publication but are not yet officially published. These versions may contain errors, have been posted inadvertently, or violate journal ethics (e.g., multiple submissions, false authorship claims, plagiarism, or improper data use). In cases of legal or ethical violations or if the content poses a potential risk, the article's initial version may be withdrawn from the journal’s electronic platform. Withdrawn articles will be replaced with HTML and PDF pages indicating the withdrawal in accordance with the Indonesian Journal Publisher's policy, including a link to the relevant policy.

It is important to note that even if the author retains copyright over their work, this does not grant the right to withdraw it post-publication. The integrity of the published scientific record is paramount, and this policy on retraction and withdrawal remains applicable under all circumstances.