1Dosen Pembimbing Pertama 2Dosen Pembimbing Kedua 3Yunarto, Holy Icun & Martinus Getty Santika. 2005. Business Concepts Implementation Series in Inventory Management. Jakarta: PT Elex Media Komputindo. 1 | P a g e ANALISIS IMPLEMENTASI JUST IN TIME DALAM MENINGKATKAN EFEKTIVITAS PRODUKSI GARMEN (STUDI KASUS PADA SUBSIDIARY COMPANY PAN 12 PT. PAN BROTHERS Tbk)

Febrianto Andi Rahmawan, Poniman Poniman, Suharmanto Suharmanto


The purpose of this study is to analyze and describe the implementation of the just in
time in the production process of the garments on the Subsidiary Company PAN 12
PT. Pan Brothers Tbk in Boyolali, Central Java and to know how the implementation
of the just in time in relation to improving the effectiveness of the production. To find
out how much the company achieved production effectiveness, in this study used
measurement method by using the calculation of the Manufacturing Cycle
Effectiveness (MCE) by dividing the non-value added activities and value added
activities, from the calculation of the MCE can be the measurement of the
effectiveness of the company where the company has a value of 100% means the
MCE has the ideal production effectiveness, while less than 100% then needed
improvement. The result of this study, the calculation of the Manufacturing Cycle
Effectiveness (MCE) generated in the implementation of the just in time of 66,19%.
From that result, companies can make improvements by reducing or eliminating non
value added activities to increase the value of the MCE, with the result that
effectiveness of production can be achieved. Based on the results of the analysis
there is a difference between the Manufacturing Cycle Effectiveness (MCE) between
in advance of improvements of 66.19% and following improvement of 79,19%.
Improvement attempts by reducing or eliminating non value added activities capable
of improving the Manufacturing Cycle Effectiveness (MCE) of 13% (79,19%-
66,19%) than in advance of improvements in the implementation of the just in time.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32497/jobs.v2i1.653


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