Pada tahun 1993/1994 Japan International Cooperation (JICA) melakukan Perencanaan teknis kemudian membangun Unit Instalasi Pengelolaan Air Limbah (IPAL) untuk mengatasi air limbah di propinsi Daerah istimewa Yogyakarta. Sesuai dengan perencanaan awal untuk mendegradasi BOD influen 332 mg/l menjadi kurang dari 30 mg/l sesuai perhitungan dibutuhkan lama jam operasi aerator sebesar 24 jam/hari. Penelitian dilakukan berdasarkan data sekunder yang didapatkan dari BALAI IPAL yaitu data debit dan Kualitas BOD tahun 2012 dan tahun 2013, data tersebut kemudian dianalisis melalui perhitungan berdasarkan teori untuk menentukan lamanya jam operasi yang pendek dalam menghasilkan kualitas BOD yang optimal di kolam aerasi fakultatif, dimana BOD yang optimal diperoleh dari efisiensi BOD Removal kolam yang paling tinggi. Untuk menentukan efisiensi BOD Removal kolam yang paling tinggi dengan bantuan Program Microsoft Excel fasilitas Solver. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa efisiensi BOD Removal IPAL paling tinggi sebesar 91,3 %. Hasil tersebut mempunyai nilai BOD inlet optimal sebesar 160 mg/l dan BOD outlet 14 mg/l. Dari hasil perhitungan Lamanya jam operasi aerator harian diperoleh waktu sebesar 11 jam/hari di kolam aerasi fakultatif
Kata Kunci: “Effisiensi BOD Removal”, “BOD optimal”,” Jam Operasi Aerator”.
In 1993/1994, Japan International Cooperation (JICA) conducted technical planning and built a Wastewater Treatment Plant (IPAL) unit to address wastewater in the Special Region of Yogyakarta Province. According to the initial plan to degrade BOD influent from 332 mg/l to less than 30 mg/l as calculated, aeration aerator operation time of 24 hours/day is required. The research was conducted based on secondary data obtained from the IPAL Office, namely flow rate and BOD quality data for the years 2012 and 2013. The data were then analyzed through calculations based on theory to determine the short operation time in producing optimal BOD quality in facultative aeration ponds, where optimal BOD is obtained from the highest BOD Removal efficiency of the ponds. To determine the highest BOD Removal efficiency of the ponds with the help of Microsoft Excel program Solver facility. The research results show that the highest BOD Removal efficiency of the IPAL is 91.3%. These results have an optimal inlet BOD value of 160 mg/l and an outlet BOD of 14 mg/l. From the calculation results, the daily aeration aerator operation time obtained is 11 hours/day in facultative aeration ponds.
Keywords: "BOD Removal Efficiency", "Optimal BOD", "Aerator Operation Time".
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32497/orbith.v20i1.5434
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