Rizky Anitasari, Ahdi Riyono, Achmad Hilal Madjdi


Globalization can lead to language contact or connectedness. As a result, code-mixing has become a common phenomenon in various age categories, especially from teenagers to adults in the captions of K-pop fans on Twitter. Based on that issue, this research aims to find the codes, identify the types of code mixing, and analyze the functions of code mixing used in K-Pop Fans’ captions on Twitter. This research belongs to a qualitative study. There were captions of K-Pop fans on Twitter aged 17 – 25 and 26 – 40 from January to March 2023. The results of this research were; first, the code used to combine language in K-pop fans captions on Twitter from January to March 2023 in each age category are Indonesian, English, Korean, and Japanese. Second, Insertion is the most common type of code mixing used in each age category. Third, the most common function of code mixing that K-pop fans used in each age category is expressing ideas easily. Based on the results, the researcher suggested that when teaching sociolinguistics, teachers can provide examples related to technology applications or themes that are trending in society, such as the phenomenon of code-mixing on Twitter. So, students can think critically to understand the subject and enjoy how it is presented as it relates to the immediate environment.

Keywords: Sociolinguistics, Code Mixing, K-Pop Fans, Twitter.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32497/jolali.v2i2.4841


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