Nur Maziyah Ulya


So far, learning Arabic is still dominated by conventional learning methods, which position the teacher as the main source of knowledge (teacher-centered). This causes students to be passive and feel bored, so the results of learning Arabic are not optimal. The lack of success in learning Arabic so far is caused by several factors. One of them is that the strategies and methods used so far are not quite right. One effort that can be made to overcome these difficulties is by applying the cooperative learning method, which is a group-centered and student-centered method that involves students actively discussing with each other and exchanging thoughts and opinions to solve problems together. Efforts to maximize students by applying cooperative learning methods are the embodiment of the latest learning paradigm, which has shifted from teacher-centered to student-centered. With the application of this method, learning Arabic, which was originally passive, boring, and considered a scourge, will change to learning that is active, participatory, fun, and considered a necessity.


Arabic, cooperative learning, conventional learning methods, teacher centered, student-centered

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