Language Register in Pak Joko Widodo’s Speech Text on Independece Day 2017

Pandiya Pandiya, Nurul Hamida




Pak Joko Widodo’s Speech Text on Independence Day 2017 has concerned many aspects such as ideology, politics, economics, socio-culture, religion, and defense and security system. All Indonesian People then think that this is popular as the concept of ‘Wawasan Nusantara”; i.e. the concept of how to build this country physically and non-physically. This of course comprises certain patterns of both written expressions and spoken expressions. The written expressions are the text written as the preparation of the speech; while the spoken expressions are the text delivered as the speech on Independence Day 2017. The discussion of these expressions then covers the three dimensions of language register i.e. field, tenor, and mode. Field concerns with social activity taking place, for example; foot ball, cooking, stamp collecting, studying Australian history, ideology, politics, economics, socio-culture, religion, defence and security system etc.; tenor concerns with the relationships between participants; this relationships can be described in terms of power (equal or unequal status), contact (how often you have contact with the person to whom you are speaking or writing), or affect (attitudes and feelings towards topics and participants), the relationships that exist between participants or the audience for whom a text  is written, have a considerable impact on language that is used; and mode concerns with what channel of linguistic communication; and also relates to cohesive ties operating in spoken or written texts.


Key-words: speech text, language register, field, tenor, and mode.



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