Main Sufanti, Nuraini Fatimah, Khabib Sholeh, Miftakhul Huda


This current study aims at: (1) analyzing the implementation of the pragmatic approach in the design of short story appreciation learning; (2) analyzing the employment of pragmatic approach in the short story appreciation learning; (3) describing the excellence of pragmatic approach the short story appreciation learning; and (4) describing the drawbacks of a pragmatic approach in the short story learning appreciation. The data of this action-research are in the form of information of the application of the pragmatic approach in terms of planning and execution of short story appreciation learning. Further, the data source is the Indonesia language teacher of the senior high school in Surakarta, the learning process of the short story appreciation learning as well as experts. The data were collected through observation, interview, discussion, and test. Then, the data were analyzed with critical analysis and reflective analysis techniques. The result shows that (1) the lesson plan of the pragmatic approach applies five steps i.e. personal perception, inventory, comprehension, oration, and re-description; (2) a learning based on the pragmatic approach improves students’ ability in appreciating short story; (3) the merit of this learning approach are such as giving a freedom in interpreting the short story, giving the opportunity to work together, absorbing value of the short story according to the maturity of the students’ thinking, activating the students to learn, stimulating students to talk, fostering confidence, and strengtheningcharacter in accordance with the content of the short story; (4) the shortcomings of this approach, among others,it takes a long duration, needsthe teachers’ accuracy and patience, adequately needs the students’ reading competence and needsactiveness of the students in discussion.



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