The Semantic Prototype of Cheating in Indonesian: How Speakers of Indonesian Fathom Relationship Betrayal

Yunus Sulistyono, I Komang Eka Adi Prasetya, Nur Rohman


The study on semantic prototypes is related to the categorization of concepts by individuals, influenced by the cognitive ability in interpreting the concepts in their invironment. This study explores the concept of cheating according to the perceptions of speakers of Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia). We find that perceptions of the degree of infidelity were associated with cultural background, age, gender, dating status, dating experience, and plans to marry. This study utilizes a questionnaire to collect data on people's perceptions of cheating. The questionnaire includes questions that are arranged according to the variables that have been determined. From the results of the recapitulation of the questionnaire, it is obtained that the variable that most determines the level of infidelity is variable a (A is in a romantic relationship with B). This can be seen from the scores obtained by questions that do not contain variable a, namely questions II, VII, VIII, and IV. The results of this study indicate that understanding of the concept of cheating can be studied using a semantic prototype theory approach that involves the perceptions of speakers of related languages. Moreover, the understanding of a linguistic concept should involve the perceptions of speakers of the related language, in this case, bahasa Indonesia. This understanding is not enough just to use a theory that arranges the semantic components of the concept in question, but it must also involve aspects of the speaker's perception and background of the speaker in the context of cognition and culture.


semantic prototype, Indonesian, cognition, cheating, cultural background

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