Pengukuran Kepuasan Pelanggan Terhadap Layanan Bidang Akademik Politeknik Negeri Semarang

Budhi Adhiani C.


The purpose of this study was to measure customer satisfaction levels
of academic services Semarang State Polytechnic (POLINES) in 2016, for any
study program as well as overall POLINES, then compared it with the level of
satisfaction in 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015. Types of academic services measured
including services : re-registration ; licensing ; access of exam result; guidance
from academic guardian; compensation; scheduling lectures; implementation of
semester exam; implementation of field study course and field work service
implementation. Academic service determination of the satisfaction attributes
level was conducted by testing validity and reliability with Spearmen
correlation coefficient and Cronbach's Alpha . Measuring the level of
satisfaction of academic services had done by calculating the average level of
satisfaction measured directly. Respondents were 440 students from 22
programs of study at the Polytechnic of Semarang using purposive sampling.
The results of this study are : 1) The level of academic services satisfaction at
Semarang State Polytechnic as overall was satisfactory . There were 5 types of
academic services available at the satisfactory level, the guidance from
academic guardian services, the scheduling lecture services, the
implementation of semester exam services, the implementation of field study
course, and field work service implementation ; 2) Study Program of Civil
Construction Technique at the highest level of satisfaction academic services (
3,80 ), while the Accounting Managerial Study Program at the lowest level of
satisfaction (2,98) ; 3) The implementation of field study course services type at
the highest level of satisfaction ( 3.71 ) , while the type of exam result access
services at the lowest level of satisfaction ( 3.10 ); 4) There were 11 study
program which the level of customer satisfaction on academics field services
were increasing compared to 2015, namely study program of Informatics and
Computer, Telecommunications D4, Civil Engineering, Energy Conservation,
Syariah Banking, International Business Management, Bridges and Roads
Planning, Building Maintenance and Repairment, Production and Maintenance
Engineering, Business Administration D4. At the same time, the academics
field services compared to 2015 were Civil Contruction Technique Study
Program. 5) The level of customer satisfaction on academic field services in
2016 in every type of services were increasing compared to 2015. There were 4
types of services, licensing services, access of exam result services, ; guidance
from academic guardian services, implementation of semester exams, The
implementation of field study course services; 6) The level of customer
satisfaction on academic field services in 2016 in every type of services, there
were 2 types services which were the same compared to 2015, re – registration
services and scheduling lectures services.
Suggestions for improving the quality of academic services Semarang State
Polytechnic is as follows : Improving the quality of service priority in access of
exam result service

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