Rekayasa dan Pembuatan Mesin Pencacah Sampah Organik Dual Function Untuk Mendukung Sistem Konversi Limbah Organik menjadi Biogas

Suparni Setyowati Rahayu, Gatot Santoso, Samuel Kristiyana, Anak Agung Putu Susastriawan, Satriawan Dini Hariyanto, Dewi Wahyuningtyas


In recent years, domestic carbage become a serious problem since not all waste is managed properly. The organic waste has a potential as a feedstock for biogas production. Before the fermentation process of biogas production, it is necessary to enumerate organic waste with the help of a multi-function chopper. In the present work, dual function machine (chopping and milling process) is designed and fabricated. The machine is driven with a 5.5 HP gasoline engine with a two-way transmission system connecting to each process. The first line transmission system on the chopping with a pulley size of 2 inch diameter, two grooves mounted on the motor and a 3 inch pulley mounted on the chopper axis with a rotation speed of 2400 rpm. The second line transmission system on the milling uses a 12 inch diameter pulley with a rotation of 600 rpm. The test results show that the capacity of the machine was 60 kg/h with 1 cm chopping size.

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