Author Guidelines

KEUNIS provides comprehensive author guidelines to assist contributors in preparing their manuscripts for submission. Key aspects of these guidelines include:​

1. Manuscript Structure:

  • Title and Abstract: Begin your manuscript with a concise title and an abstract of 150-200 words summarizing the main arguments and conclusions.

  • Keywords: Provide up to six key words below the abstract to facilitate indexing and searchability.

  • Main Text: Organize the body of your manuscript with clear sections, typically including Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion.

2. Authorship and Affiliations:

  • Author Details: Clearly indicate the given name and family name of each author, along with their affiliations. Present the authors' affiliation addresses below the names, including the country name, email address, and telephone number. Identify the corresponding author with an asterisk (*) and provide their contact details.

  • Authorship Criteria: Ensure that all listed authors have made significant contributions to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the research. Avoid including individuals who do not meet these criteria.

3. Ethical Considerations:

  • Research Ethics: For studies involving human subjects, human material, or human data, confirm that the research was performed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. Include a statement detailing ethical approval, including the name of the ethics committee and reference number. Ensure the anonymity of research subjects whenever possible.

4. References:

  • Citation Style: Use the Harvard referencing system (author-date). Include the full last name and first name initials of up to six authors, followed by 'et al.' and the year of publication in brackets.

  • Reference List: Provide a comprehensive list of references at the end of the manuscript, formatted according to the journal's specified style. Ensure all cited works are published or accepted for publication.

5. Submission Process:

  • Online Submission: Submit your manuscript electronically through the journal's online submission system. Ensure all required metadata, including abstract, keywords, and author details, are provided during submission.

  • File Format: Prepare your manuscript in Word (.doc or .docx) format, adhering to the journal's template to maintain consistency.

6. Additional Guidelines:

  • Figures and Tables: Ensure all figures and tables are of high quality, appropriately labeled, and cited within the text. Provide captions and legends as necessary for clarity.

  • Supplementary Materials: If applicable, include supplementary materials such as datasets or multimedia files. Clearly reference these materials within the manuscript.

  • Cover Letter: Prepare a cover letter addressed to the editor-in-chief, briefly introducing your manuscript, highlighting its significance, and confirming that it has not been published elsewhere or is under consideration for publication.

Adhering to these guidelines will facilitate a smooth review and publication process. For comprehensive and up-to-date instructions, please refer to the