Exploring the Use of Storytelling Technique to Enhance English Vocabulary for Young Learners

Aldorino Nathanel Wibowo, Sheisha Defani Apritha, Fransiska Diah Permata


Storytelling is a natural and engaging way for young learners to learn new vocabulary. Storytelling has long been recognized as an effective pedagogical tool for enhancing language learning, particularly for young learners. It can conduct storytelling lessons entirely in English and they have to resort to help from the first language to make the input more comprehensible. This study explores the potential of storytelling technique to improve English vocabulary acquisition among young learners. The study employed a qualitative data collection methods. The qualitative data further indicated that storytelling fostered a positive learning environment and enhanced the participants' engagement and motivation in the learning process. Participants were young learners from eighth grade Junior High School students. The study involved a questionnaire. The findings revealed that the use of storytelling technique led to a significant improvement in the participants' English vocabulary knowledge. The study concludes that this study underpins the potential of storytelling as a powerful tool for optimizing English vocabulary competence among young learners.

Keywords: Storytelling, vocabulary acquisition, young learners

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32497/jolali.v3i2.5907


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