The Ability of Semarang State Polytechnic Department of Accounting Students in Writing a Process on Making Specific Nusantara Food and Beverage Products

Pandiya Pandiya, Sri Hardiningsih, I Nyoman Romangsi, Mohammad Muslikh


The ability to write is very important for someone in pursuing a career and social life in general. This study aims to find out "The Ability of Semarang State Polytechnic Department of Accounting Students in Writing a Process on Making Specific Nusantara Food and Beverage Products". The data collection is done by giving writing tests to students. The population of this research consists of Semarang State Polytechnic Accounting Department students. The data used in this study is more qualitative in nature, more in the form of descriptions of the characteristics of the respondents' writing and not much related to numbers. Sampling is done by "purposive sampling"; namely the Semarang State Polytechnic Department of Accounting student group who have been completed by the competence to write a process (26 students). Data analysis is done by the following criteria (1) the name of the food / beverage product; (2) the existence of command sentences; (3) the existence of sequence words; (4) the existence of suggestion sentences; and (5) the existence of  prohibition sentences. The results of data analysis have showed that 88% respondents write a process of making food products and the other 12% write a process of making beverage products; all respondents (100%) write down command sentences and sequence words; 8% respondents write suggestion sentences and the other 92% do not write suggestion sentences; 15% respondents write prohibition  sentences and the other 85% do not write prohibition sentences.


writing ability; qualitative; process; food; and beverage

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