Nikmatuniayah Nikmatuniayah, Marliyati Marliyati, Jati Handayani, Lilis Mardiana A


The main objective of this program is to improve product quality through IT on social media. In the proposed community service activities this year (2020) it has been mutually agreed that problems are prioritized in the following aspects: (1) How to implement reliable video creation and editing techniques (2) How to apply accurate online marketing techniques via social media in 2020 The methods used are as follows: (1) Program socialization and cooperation. (2) Training on video making and video editing techniques. (3) Online product marketing training through Social Media Information Technology. (4) Assistance and practice of uploading ready-to-broadcast videos on Youtube and Lazis Baiturrahman Social Media. After participating in the assistance of the Polynesian Community Service Team, Lazis Baiturrahman was able to achieve the following targets: Lazis Baiturrahman managers are able to make and edit their own videos reliably. The manager of Lazis Baiturrahman is able to market their products online via social media by attracting the wider community. The outputs resulting from this assistance for community service activities are: (1) An interesting product introduction video is available and is ready to be uploaded on YouTube or social media. (2) Available groups of service products ready for publication, which can be found on social media: Facebook or Instagram.

Keywords: Improvement, product quality, IT, social media

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