Rizka Ariyanti, Ali Imron, M Iqbal Notoatmojo


Financial management is an important aspect for the progress of the company. Financial Management can be done through accounting. Accounting is a systematic process to produce financial information that can be used for decision making for its users. Many problems in MSMEs are related to financial aspects, including insignificant company development, financial performance that is not optimal, company profits that are difficult to increase, inability and unwillingness of resources to use accounting, and others. Of these various problems, the main problem is the inability and unwillingness of MSME resources or actors to use accounting in relation to the management of the funds they have. Sources of funds and types of use of funds must be properly recorded so that fraud and irregularities do not occur in the company's financial performance. So, accounting is very important to use in every business activity in MSMEs so that MSME actors must be able to carry out and go through various stages in accounting from input to output. The target to be achieved from this service is the socialization of financial management in the IHOMIC Pekalongan MSME community in the batik and fashion cluster.

Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Business Management, MSMEs

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