Sumanto Sumanto, Embun D, Mardinawati Mardinawati, Teguh B S, Budhi A C, Maharani R M, Winarni Winarni, Sri Widiyati, R Gunawan, Nurseto A


The purpose of this community service activity is to empower Dairy Cattle Breeders in Keji Village, West Ungaran, Semarang Regency in increasing the quantity and quality of facilities needed for dairy cattle and milk products. The problem that exists is that there are several cows that have injuries to their bodies, legs and nails as a result of the floor of the cage that has not been completely given a rubber carpet. In addition, the equipment used for milking and transporting milk is still limited in terms of quantity and quality. The method to achieve this goal is to conduct management 9luminium9g on the manufacture and layout of healthy cowsheds so that each cow feels comfortable and healthy and covers the cowshed with rubber carpets as well as the use of equipment for milking, transporting and storing milk that meets health standards. The realization of the physical outcomes of this program are: (1) procurement of 5 pieces of rubber carpet (2) procurement of 1 unit 9luminium milk tank and bucket and (3) scientific articles. With the addition of rubber carpets, the health of cows will be healthier, and with the addition of 9luminium tanks and buckets, the process of milking, transporting and storing milk will be faster and the quality is more guaranteed, so that milk productivity increases which has an impact on improving the welfare of cattle farmers.

Keywords: Rubber Carpets, Counseling, Equipment, Cow Health, Milk Productivity

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