Marliyati Marliyati, Nikmatuniayah Nikmatuniayah, Jati Handayani, Lilis Mardiana A


The main objective of this program is the implementation of village accounting in order to present village financial reports in accordance with the SAP in Kalikayen Ungaran Timur Village. In the proposal for community service activities it has been mutually agreed that problems are prioritized in the following aspects: (1) How to prepare adequate village financial reports with SAP. (2) How to adjust village financial statement accounts based on village government accounting standards. The methods used are as follows: (1) Program socialization and cooperation. (2) Village Accounting Training and synchronization of Village Financial Reports based on SAP standards. (3) Assistance in the preparation of SAP-standard village financial reports. The components of the SAP village financial report consist of: Trial Balance, Accountability Report on Realization of Village APBD Implementation, Report on Village-Owned Wealth. After participating in the assistance of the Polines Community Service Team, Village Officials will achieve the following targets: Village Financial Reports can be presented with SAP standards, namely: Trial Balance, Accountability Report on Realization of Village APBD Implementation, Village-Owned Wealth Report. The outputs that will result from the assistance of community service activities are: (1) SAP-standard Village Financial Reports are available. Achievement indicators: Village Financial Reports according to SAP standards. Keywords: Implementation, Financial Statements, Village, SAP

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