Analisis Faktor Konservasi Kombinasi Teras Nikolas Dan Tanaman Kacang Tanah (Faktor Cp Untuk Teras Nikolas + Kacang Tanah)


  • Mawardi Mawardi



conservation factor, corp management, USLE, cultivate land management, nicols terrace, peanute


Each of land use is going to give effect to erosion , land damages and run off. Land use policy and it”™s conservation can be ditermined from the prediction result of erosion and the permitted erosion rate that is determined. Peanute is one of agrybisnis comodities that have a higher economic value among some kinds of plants else. It is possible enough to be developed in Indonesia. Sustainable development demands to each land user has to take care of conservation principles in order to getting sustainable use and it”™s pruductivity kept. Land use policy and it”™s conservation can be determined from result of predicted erosion rate and soil loss tolerance. Generally, some factors influence to the erosion rate are precipitation, topography, vegetation and human factor. To anticipate development of peanute plant, it needs to studying about practice factor of concervation and factor of vegetation management. The objective of research is to analyze value of CP factor of USLE equation, that is combination of crop management factor (C) for peanut and practice conservation factor (P) especially nicols terrace. The research is conducted with field measurement approach method by model of plots and by specifications : at field land with 10 % slope, length of land slope 20 m, type of soil Dark Brown Mediterranean (Alfisol/Inceptisol), for about 3 months and amount of precipitation rate about 257.72 mm/month. The research has given a result that CP factor of USLE equation for nicols terrace that combined to vegetation of peanut (CP value for nicols terrace + peanute) is about 0,32.

Author Biography

Mawardi Mawardi

Staf Pengajar Jurusan Teknik Sipil Politeknik Negeri Semarang


