Ian Tangguh Awiyati, Slamet Imam Wahyudi, Soedarsono Soedarsono


The Dolok River, which is located between Demak Regency and Semarang Regency,
Central Java Province, is widely used by residents to meet their water needs in daily
life. However, as time goes by, pollution occurs which worsens the water quality of
the Dolok River. One of the contributing factors is the existence of several factories
and densely populated settlements along the Dolok River. Through this research,
researchers intend to determine the division of segments of the Dolok River area,
analyze the morphology of the Dolok River, determine the water class of the Dolok
River, predict the potential of water classes for raw water utilization and predict the
potential for raw water supply of Klambu Kudu. The methods used in this research
are the observational study method and the STORET method to determine water
class. From the results of the analysis, Barang Dam as an upstream river has the
characteristics of a Barbatu riverbed, relatively small discharge, river erosion and
no flooding. Kebon Batur Dam is the middle part of the Dolok river which is a
transportation area for erosion from upstream to downstream. Shipping channels
are areas where mud deposits occur, erosion often occurs and causes flooding.
Based on the results of field surveys, the morphology of the Dolok River is a braided
type which generally has relatively small discharge and high levels of sediment. The
Dolok River water class calculated using the STORET method is classified as Class
B, namely moderately polluted. Based on the calculation results for determining
water class by water quality category according to PP No.22 of 2021, the Dolok
River does not have potential as raw water or PDAM drinking water, because it is
included in the class II category and can only be used as raw water for irrigation at
0.52 m3. /sec. Apart from that, there was no potential for raw water supply from
Klambu Kudu to the Dolok River, because it has a different river basin.


segmentation, water class, STORET, Dolok

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32497/wahanats.v29i2.6159


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 Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Politeknik Negeri Semarang  wahanasipil@polines.ac.id, jurnalwahana@gmail.com https://jurnal.polines.ac.id/index.php/wahana
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