Pengaruh Penambahan Serbuk Ban Bekas Terhadap Parameter Marshall Pada Aspal Beton Campuran Panas Lapis Aus Ac-Wc Perkuatan Struktur Kolom Dan Balok Akibat Perubahan Layout Ruangan Dengan Metode Cfrp (Studi Kasus : Pembangunan Masjid As-Shohabat Tembalang)


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This research was conducted to analyse the alternative which might be done to give
solution for column structure reinforcement and bar in case of building room layout
change. There were 4 methods which were presented for analysing column structure
reinforcement and bar in this research. The dimensions of the removed column were
25x40 cm with a length of 350 cm and the reinforced beams were 25x40 cm with
span length of 800 cm. This research also showed the price which was gotten from
various methods did as consideration of solution chosen. The analysis was
conducted by using SAP2000 application. This analysis was done by 2 column
removal without reinforcement which in the fact the structure is not powerful if there
is not any reinforcement by the result of 2 column removal so that for safety
anticipation, it is better if reinforcement is implemented. The first method is the
method with the elimination of 2 columns but without the reinforced structure, after
SAP2000 analysis on the portal, obtained the maximum moment that happened was
76,1 KN exceeding the permitted moments of 62 KN so that this will be dangerous to
the strength of the structure, therefore for security anticipation should be done
reinforcement. The second method which is the first solution is the method of
Jacketing Column & Beam obtained the result that the building was considered safe
by enlarging the original beam dimensions 25x40 cm to 35x65 cm and the original
columns 25x30 cm to 40x40 cm. It is also supported by the value of the moments
shown not exceeding the maximum allowed moments. The third method is an
alternative to the second retrofit solution by providing additional structural
elements instead of the existing missing columns, but with this method it will
interfere with the aesthetic value of the building, since the new element beams are
very visible. The last method is the use of CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced
Polymer), this method proved to be the most efficient way to overcome the structural
reinforcement problems at As-Shohabat mosque in terms of processing time, labor
cost, and sufficient strength to replace the reinforcement that occurs due to the
reduction of the column that supports the block.

Kata kunci: strengthening column and beam, strengthening structure, CFRP


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