Kajian Eksperimen Pengaruh Penambahan Silica Fume Terhadap Sifat Adhesif Untuk Perbaikan Keramik Dinding

Dika Pratama, Rizki Febri Astuti, Mochammad Tri Rochadi, Kusdiyono Kusdiyono


The release of ceramics is an undesirable event, one of the causes is the presence of trapped air which causes the area attached to the wall to decrease. To reduce this, additional ingredients / smaller silica fume additives (<1μm) can be used to fill the hollow part. The purpose of this study was to measure and compare the properties of ceramic adhesives with and without the addition of silica fume to ceramic adhesives, and to determine the percentage of addition of silica fume to obtain the most optimal adhesive strength. The method used is an experimental method in the laboratory by conducting tests of ceramic adhesion based on ASTM C 482-02 and SNI 03-4877-1998. The level of addition of silica fume used is 5, 10, 15, and 20% of the weight of cement. The test results show that there is a "very strong" relationship between the addition of silica fume and ceramic adhesive properties in increasing the strength of the adhesive power as evidenced by correlation analysis with an R2 value of 0.9042. The strength of the adhesive power of ceramics without silica fume as a control variable is 1.4146 MPa, while the strength with a mixture of silica fume is 1.8051 MPa, 1.9606 MPa, 1.8811 MPa, and 1.5666 MPa, respectively. The regression analysis showed that the highest / optimum strength was achieved when the proportion of silica fume addition was 10.8% of the weight of cement with a sticky power strength value of 1.9637 MPa or an increase of 38.82% on the control variable which did not use the added silica fume material.

Kata kunci: Sifat adhesif keramik, daya rekat keramik, silica fume.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32497/wahanats.v23i1.1352


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