Kemampuan Korespondensi Ekspor-Impor Berbahasa Inggris dengan ‘Content-Based Orientation’ bagi Mahasiswa Program D3 Kelas Akselerasi Program Studi Administrasi Bisnis
This is a research on the ability of commercial correspondence writing in export-import of goods in English with content-based orientation among 20 students of D3 Acceleration Program of Business Administration Department, Semarang State Polytechnic. The research is conducted after those students learn the subject ‘Korespondensi Inggris’ by doing doing home assignment. They write 4 (four) interrelated letters (Sales letter with quotation, letter of bargain, letter of firm offer, and purchse order letter) connected with export-import of goods. Based on the conducted analysis, it is shown that 9 (45%) respondents/students’ ability reflects illustration 2, in which letters are written with grammatical mistakes but with clear content, making their letters understandable. 8 (40%) respondents/students’s reflects illustration 3, in which their letters are written without grammatical mistakes and with clear content, making their letters understandable. The attention should be given to respondents/students who reflect illustration 1, informing that their letters are written with grammatical mistakes and unclear content, making their letters ununderstandable. Briefly, 4 (four) respondents reflect illustration 1 in sales letters, 5 (five) others reflect illustration 1 in letter of bargain, 5 (five) respondents reflect illustration 1 in letter of fixed offer, and 3 (three) other respondents reflect illustration 1 in Purchase Order letters.
Keywords : content, interrelated letters, understandableFull Text:
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