Perancangan Jaringan Transmisi Microwave Dengan Double Passive Repeater Menggunakan Pathloss 5.0
In Indonesia there are already several telecommunication technologies used, one of which is cellular technology. Celuller technology is preferred because it is more efficient and easy to carry anywhere. The propagation medium used in cellular technology is microwaves. Microwave communications are susceptible to weather changes and must be in a Line of Sight (LOS) codition. Given that Indonesia is a country that has a lot of mountains and hills, so that communication is not LOS. Therefore, it is necessary to add repeaters to achieve standard availability. In this final project, the authors conducted a microwave network design in the Purbalingga-Pemalang area, where the network is not LOS so it is necessary to add repeaters. By using a double repeater back to back and double plane reflector. From the simulation results using Pathloss 5.0 software, in the design using Double Back to Back, the availability value is 99.99086% with an outage time value of 2883.20 seconds per year. While the design using Double Plane Reflector obtained availability of 99.99987% with an outage time value of 42.10 seconds per year. From the simulation results, it can be concluded that the design using the Double Plane Reflector has a better availability value than the design using the Double Back to Back Repeater.
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