Bestari Dwi Handayani, Amin Pujiati, Ismiyati Ismiyati, Nina Farlina


One of the important values to be instilled in children is the value of
entrepreneurship. The value of entrepreneurship will train children to be creative and innovative to become an entrepreneur. This partnership community service is carried out in Mutiara Kids Early Childhood Education, because the agency faces problems in instilling entrepreneurial values in students. Based on the problems faced, the solution carried out is by socialization activities regarding
entrepreneurship, introduction of currency values to students and also business practices through market day activities. Through this activity, the community service team contributes in terms of disseminating SDGs, especially through entrepreneurship. Based on the evaluation of interviews with activity participants, in general, participants expressed satisfaction with service activities. Participants said that this activity is very helpful for students in understanding the values of
entrepreneurship which is carried out not only in theoretical understanding but also in the application of entrepreneurship, namely through market day. Participants also hope that activities will be sustainable not only to be completed to assist in the preparation of financial statements, but in other activities that help school activities become better.

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