Nyata Nugraha, Aris Sunindyo, Moch. Abdul Kodir, Ida Savitri Kusmargiani, Nina Woelan, Prihatiningsih Prihatiningsih, Rola Nurul Fajria, Dina Yeni Martia, Bagas Putra Pradana, Aditya Rizqi Senoaji


The Covid 19 pandemic is still impacting urban communities, especially regarding work. During the pandemic, companies were prohibited from
holding direct meetings and working from home. As a result, there has been a big change in the use of paper, because almost all offices work online. This greatly impacts practically all companies, including the printing sector. The small printing company slowly laid off employees, and in the end the company went bankrupt. The impact is not only on employees but also on printing owners. This Community Service aims to assist the former printing company owner to get back to business, who lives in the Tembalang Pesona Asri Housing Complex, Semarang City. The method used to achieve the objectives of this activity is assisting in setting up a business in the form of a drinks shop and various snacks. Apart from that, accounting assistance is also provided in the shop's daily records. Apart from
assistance, the Community Service Team also assists with the equipment needed to run this new business. The assistance provided is in the form of shop equipment such as glass display cases, blenders, coffee grinders, water flasks, plastic cups, and cup sealers.

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