Suryani Sri Lestari, Nyata Nugraha, Saniman Widodo, Vita Arumsari, Maziyah Nur Ulya


The community service activity is entitle of Technology in Investing Online in the Islamic Capital Market for the management of LKMS Bank Wakaf
Micro of Ponpes Futuhiyyah, Mranggen, Kab. Demak. The purpose of this
activity is that the management of the LKMS Bank Wakaf Micro can apply
technology in investing online. The application used in this investment is the 'Profits Application' from Phintraco Sekuritas which is directly connected to the stock trading system at the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) Sharia Capital Market. This activity to support the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in increasing the number of capital market users in Indonesia, namely LKMS Bank Wakaf Micro Ponpes Futuhiyyah, Mranggen, Kab. Demak. The method to be used in achieving this goal is to organize activities in the form of training and investment practices with the Profits application. This activity was carried out through several stages, the first step was asking participants to activate the Profits Application as a preparatory step for investing online in the Islamic capital market.. Then an agreement was made between the Community Service team and the LKSM in determining the time and place for the training. Furthermore, the Application of Technology in Investing Online in the Islamic Capital Market for LKMS Bank Wakaf Micro is carried out through the 'Profits Anywhere' application in collaboration with Phintraco Sekuritas which has entered into an MOU with Semarang State Polytechnic. Finally, the participant of the management of LKMS Bank Wakaf Micro of Ponpes Futuhiyyah, Mranggen, Kab. Demak were enthusiastic to invest by buying and selling real ”share” in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) directly.

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