Sensor Data Analysis On Monitoring And Control System Of Temperature And Humidity Based On Android In Soybean Seed Storage Room Using Nodemcu

Sindung HW Sasono


soybean seeds may be damaged during storage time. Temperature and humidity of soybean seed storage room, is one of the external factors of damage to the seed. The system consists of monitoring and control temperature and humidity in some rooms used as soybean seed storage room samples. This study discusses and perform sensor data analysis using several types of temperature and humidity sensors based on Internet of Things. Sensor nodes generate data and processed by a microcontroller NodeMCU ESP8266, and the results data is then transmitted by the Internet network using MQTT broker and stored in the database. Results data is then analyzed to monitor the condition of soybean seed storage room. SHT30 sensor has the most excellent temperature accuracy of 98, 21%. DHT22 sensor has the most excellent moisture accuracy of 95.74%. Data sending to the database has a good level of dataloss category for node 1 is 3.39%, 4.33% for node 2, and 3.22% for node 3. Air conditioner control system using Android can keep the room temperature state in the range of 18-23oC and humidity of 40-60% with an air conditioning remote control setting at 20oC on an area of 36 m2.

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