Nurseto Adhi, Rikawati Rikawati, Vita Arumsari, Utami Sri Sulistyorini, Aiun Hayatu Rabinah


This study was aim to make a Kandri Village’s integrated information system between tourist village service and e-marketplace MSME based on web and web applications. The Kandri Village is a tourist village that relies on tourism activity as the main income and during this pandemic have decreased 75%-90% income. the information that needed by a visitor not updated and not reachable. A hybrid application is an application that combines application technology and native application, but the interface and how hybrid applications work more like a web application than a mobile application. hybrid application in the Kandri Village’s information system is expected to give convenience to visitors who looking for Kandri Tourist Village’s information and products produced by MSME in the Kandri Village through all smartphone platforms.

The research method that used in this study consisted of data collection, data analysis, design hybrid system, and system implementation. the result of this study was web hybrid system was successfully built with Village Tour Packages and Mekarsari MSME’s products Kandri Village as main contents


web; hybrid; kandri; aplikasi; mekarsari

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