Sri Widiyati, Theresia Tyas Listyani, Rikawati Rikawati, Muhammad Rois


According to Bank Indonesia, the number of electronic money providers has reached 51 providers in 2020. The public is very enthusiastic about e-money services in form of server based applications. The more e-wallet offered, the more choices for users. The user preferences in choosing an e-wallet is something that needs attention. The study aims to identify the determinants of preferences using e-wallet and determine which is the most prioritized for the millennial generation in Semarang. The sampling method is purposive sampling. The sample used is e-wallet user who are 20 years old and over. Data were collected using a questionnaire and the data were analyzed using validity, reliability and frequency distribution. The results of the study show that the determinans of preferences for using e-wallet are cost , convenience, usability, security, accessibility, government programs, promotion, publisher reputation and social aspects. Four of the nine variables namely convenience; security; usability and accessibility are the priority preferences in using e-wallet.


millennials; preferences; determinants; electronik money; e-wallet

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