Kusmayadi Kusmayadi, Dewi Sri Marsanti, Didiek Susilo Tamtomo, Sulistiyo Sulistiyo


This study aims to measure and analyze the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on MSMEs in Indonesia. Since the outbreak of the corona virus or known as the covid-19 pandemic, there has been a very significant decline in the turnover of MSME actors. The data analysis method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. Researchers collect and describe all the phenomena that occur due to covid-19 and their impact on MSME businesses in Indonesia. Industries that are able to survive in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic are those related to meeting basic needs including electricity, clean water, agriculture, animal husbandry, plantations, fisheries, automotive and banking. Likewise, the retail industry is able to survive. This is because some take advantage of sales through digital marketing.


pandemic; covid-19; retail industry; digital marketing

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