A number of studies show that the ultimate goal of students to study includes job offers and job status. The user dimension of graduates is an important consideration whether migrating education levels should be carried out or not. The problem of this research is how employability skills determine the decisions of users who graduate from Diploma III (DIII) or Bachelor's Degree Programs (D4/S1). The population of this research is the manager or owner of the company. While the sampling technique used in this study is the Purposive Sampling Method, in this case the manager or owner of a company in Central Java. For the number of samples = 107 Managers or company owners. The analysis technique of this research will use a multiple regression approach with semi deep interviews on the Marketing Employability Skills model. The research outputs are in the form of suggestions for managerial implications, the formulation of scientific articles, curriculum development and textbook materials. Managerial suggestions are intended for Marketing Management Study Program policies in formulating future study programs development policies.
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