Dody Setyadi, M Nahar, Rifah Dwi Astuti, Rara Ririn Budi Utaminingtyas, Saptianing Saptianing, Rustono Rustono, Erika Devie, Misbakhul Arrezqi


The Covid-19 pandemic in the world has caused a decline in the national and even global economy. Resulting in an increase in the number of unemployed due to mass layoffs that occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic. The decrease in the number of jobs, the decline in people's purchasing power is the impact felt by the community. In these circumstances, entrepreneurship is a solution to improve the economy and survive in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) were also affected by the decline in sales due to the Covid-19 pandemic due to changes in consumer behavior. Consumers who initially made direct transactions, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, turned into online transactions.
In the condition of the Covid-19 pandemic which causes reduced employment opportunities and changes in consumer behavior patterns to online transactions, online business-oriented entrepreneurship training is needed. Youths of productive age and more adaptive to technological developments should be able to take advantage of this momentum to create job opportunities by entrepreneurship with online-based businesses.


SMEs; Entrepreneurship; Online business; Youth

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