Anwar Sukito Ardjo, Padang Yanuar, Timotius Anggit Kristiawan, Wahyu Isti Nugroho


Learning during the Covid-19 pandemic took place out of the ordinary, for elementary school students who were the basis for the cultivation of various values and life sciences, it was disrupted. Changes in learning styles and strategies when the Covid-19 pandemic suddenly appeared, the available learning media were not in accordance with online learning strategies. Efforts to overcome online learning styles and strategies, elementary school teachers try to overcome them with limited knowledge and techniques in producing them. The problems faced in the form of not optimal preparation of mature and structured in producing multimedia learning causes learning messages are not conveyed properly. The purpose of this service is to apply multimedia production technology for SDN Srondol Wetan 01 teachers. The implementation of this community service uses the MDLC (Multimedia Development Life Cycle) method which consists of 6 stages, namely: Concept, Design, Data Collection, Merger, Testing, Distribution. The result of this service is an increase in the ability of teachers to produce multimedia and the availability of 2 school profile videos and 1 learning video.


multimedia; MDCL; video

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Surat Edaran Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 4 Tahun 2020 Tentang Pelaksanaan Kebijakan Pendidikan Dalam Masa Darurat Penyebaran Corona virus Disease (Covid-19)

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