Slamet Widodo, Thomas Agung Setyawan, Sindung Hadwi Widi Sasono, Ari Sriyanto, Suhendro Suhendro, Aline Nindya Chrismono Sudhibjo, Wenti Aprilia Fitrotunnufus


The comfort of the laboratory space is needed to support the success of the learning process in the laboratory. Therefore we need a system that can regulate the laboratory temperature to stay comfortable. In addition, setting the laboratory temperature will help maintain equipment so that it can function longer. In this study, the design of an IoT-based telecommunications laboratory room temperature control system will be carried out. This system is built using DHT22 as a room temperature and humidity detector which is connected to the NodeMCU ESP8266 which acts as a microcontroller. The control system uses a relay module to connect the AC remote control and as an automatic switch. Temperature and humidity settings are carried out via the IoT network using the Cayenne dashboard. The test results show that the sensor can record data accurately and can be well integrated with transmitter and receiver devices and can be monitored via an android smart phone. Sending sensor data to the database has an average delay of 21 seconds and sending sensor data to the database has a data loss quality of 9.68% in 10 minutes. The average room temperature of the telecommunications laboratory is 24°C with 60% humidity,


Temperature controller; DHT22; Node MCU ESP8266; IoT; AC

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