Stefanus Santosa, Suroso Suroso, Dadi Dadi, Muhammad Tri Rochadi, Suwarto Suwarto, Mawardi Mawardi, Rama Aury Anfasya Mirza, Sazkia Almaadelia


This article is part of the research on Design of Learning Technology and Maintenance Database for Electrical Installations for Development of Common Data Environment-Building Information Modeling (CDE-BIM). From a database point of view it can be seen that the operational stage of the building when maintenance is carried out, creates more and more complex data than the data and information required during the construction process. This is often not realized by the construction industry so that the management of building maintenance activities is not optimal. This study uses a relational model approach to design the maintenance database, particularly maintenance of consumer electrical installations. The results of verification and validation tests show that a database that can reduce redundancy, reduce inconsistencies, ensure data integrity, which can be shared, and which facilitates the application of standardization for maintenance management of consumer electrical installations is a database consisting of six tables, namely technicians, materials, work items, equipment, location, and work implementation reports. The test results show that the database design has passed the verification test and validation test to the user by getting an eligibility percentage of 78%, which falls into the eligibility category. Thus this database is feasible to be applied in creating the information system needed in the management of consumer electrical installation maintenance.


computational education & building modeling; BIM; multimedia; database; electrical installation maintenance

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