Setrategi Bersaing Dalam Kewirausahaan {Competitive Strategy On The Entrepreneurship}

Sri Mulyati (Jurusan Teknik Mesin Politeknik Negeri Semarang)


To be the winner in the business world, we need competitive advantage strategy an entrepreneur   had a very important role to created new way  that inovative and creative to reach a sustainable competitive advantage. Developments in the theory of competitive strategy, start from statis competitive strategy by Mitchale Potter continued with dinamis competitive strategy by Richard D’A vani  then comes the competitive strategy which focus on innovation  were found by clayton christenses and kenici ohmae known as strategy 3C : customer, competitor and company. with the development of technology which Internet-based requires change strategy and connected strategy, like mark plus said known as 4C strategy and 5C strategy.

Keywords: competitive advantage strategy , sustainable competitive advantage

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