Televisi Sebagai Saluran Komunikasi Politik dan Wujud Kekuasaan Media

Suwarno Mahasiswa Mikom UNDIP


The media is often referred to as the fouth estate in social and economic life. This is mainly due to the role of a perception of the role that can be played by the media in relation to the development of economic and social life of the community political exclusion. As a means of conveying news, ratings or general description of many things, he has the ability to act as an institution that can shape public opinion. Mass media such as television are often involved with giving nicknames (label) to the actors and political power. In this context, the mass communicators in a similar routine with the members approval stamp institution (justification) and disagreement in political actions. For a political force, the attitude of the media, whether neral partisan is decisive especially for imaging of public opinion. For, on the one hand from the end of political communication is about this image, which is heavily dependent on the way of constructing the political power it. While the mass media has a significant force in political communication to influence the audience. Ownership of television media can influence the program run as a change of policy, regarding the value, purpose and work culture. Televisilah media owners that determine the pattern and characteristics of the media to the television media resources. When the resources controlled by a ruler who has a particular interest that the truth is on the television media participated concealed. The implication audiences are no longer able to get right to the truth of existing information.

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