Algoritma C4.5 Berbasis Forward Selection Untuk Klasifikasi Bidang Minat Studi Mahasiswa Teknik Informatika
Kata kunci: Data Mining, Klasifikasi, Algortima C4.5; feature selection, bidang minat
At the faculty of computer science at a university there is an undergraduate program of Informatics Engineering which is divided into two areas of interest, namely intelligent systems and software engineering design. For the selection of areas of interest, students have difficulty determining their areas of interest. In dealing with this, it is necessary to have ideas that can recommend students to choose their area of interest. In this case, an appropriate method or algorithm is needed based on the data criteria to be used as a variable. The method or algorithm that will be used in this research is the C4.5 algorithm based on forward selection. The C4.5 algorithm is a classification algorithm from the branch of data mining. The classification method will make decisions based on the selected data attributes. The results of the classification of the selection of areas of interest use balanced data and attributes that have been selected for several features and cross validation iteration is carried out to produce the right accuracy. Based on the results of testing with two methods, testing using only the C4.5 algorithm produces an accuracy of 84.33% and for the C4.5 algorithm based on forward selection it produces an accuracy of 85.00%. There is an increase in accuracy with the addition of a selection feature.
Keywords: Data Mining, Classification, Algorithm C4.5; feature selection, areas of interest.
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