Fernanda Idham Kholid, Embun Duriyani Soemarso


The research is based on the problem about the amount of interest using of E Banking in BNI Syariah Bank KCP Magelang that has the problem in decreasing of interest user of E Banking in ATM Banking product and decreasing of interest user of E Banking in Internet Banking product. The research aims to analyst the significant of saving variable influence, using facility, the costumers’ confidence and usefulness in interest user of E Banking in BNI Syariah Bank KCP Magelang. Population in this research is all costumers of BNI Syariah Bank KCP Magelang who have E Banking facility, and sample of this research is 150 costumers of BNI Syariah Bank KCP Magelang who have E banking facility that is selected using accidental sampling and purposive sampling technique. The analysis model that is used in this research is multiple linier regression.

The result of this research shows that security, ease of use, costumers trust and the usefulness of simultaneous significant effect to the interest of using E banking in PT BNI Syariah Bank KCP Magelang.


security, ease of use, costumers trust, the usefulness, interest of using e banking.

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