ANALISIS SIMPANG TIDAK BERSINYAL MENGGUNAKAN METODE PEDOMAN KINERJA JALAN INDONESIA (PKJI) 2023 (Studi Kasus: Simpang Empat Jalan Kayuhan- Jalan Kayuhan Sudimoro - Jalan Sedayu – Jalan Gesikan, Bantul, Yogyakarta)
The higher the mobility, the higher the volume of traffic on the road, this causes quite significant congestion, then the higher the mobility, the higher the queues and delays at an intersection. Therefore, there is a need for study or research regarding the continuous and ongoing performance of intersections. continuously every year. The aim of this research is to analyze the performance of unsignalized intersections using the PKJI 2023 method using quantitative descriptive methods, data collection is carried out through traffic surveys to obtain intersection performance in the form of traffic flow volume (V), capacity (C), degree of saturation. (DJ), delay (T), and queue probability (PA). The analysis method is in accordance with the Indonesian Road Capacity Guidelines (PKJI 2023) as a reference in research. The results of the intersection analysis showed that the highest traffic volume occurred on Monday 19 February 2024 at 06.30-07.30 WIB with a traffic flow volume (V) = 1,401 cur/hour, with a capacity value (C) = 3,512.05 cur/hour, degree of saturation (DJ) = 0.40, Delay (T) = 9.62 sec/cur, and queue probability (PA) upper limit = 18.75% and lower limit = 7.58%. Meanwhile, there is an intersection performance engineering for the next five years with traffic flow volume (V) = 1800 cur/hour and degree of saturation (DJ) = 0.51.
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