Adi Wasono, Yusnan Badruzzaman, Muhammad Muqorrobin, Hery Setijasa, Haris Santoso


Electrical energy is often used inefficiently, especially in classrooms and laboratories and workshops. Often the lights stay on even though there is no activity in the room. This research aims to increase the efficiency of the use of electrical energy in the PLC Laboratory of the Electrical Study Program. Increasing the efficiency of the use of electrical energy can be done by controlling the use of lighting lamps in the PLC Laboratory of the Electrical Study Program automatically, i.e. if there is no activity, the lighting will turn off automatically as well as if there are activities the lights will turn on automatically so that the efficiency of the use of electrical energy can be increased. at the same time being a smart space when compared to manual control using the on/off switch. Programmabe Logic Controller (PLC) and sensor devices as well as rewiring of lighting installations are applied in controlling the lighting in the Control Lab room.


Electrical Energy; Efficiency; PLC

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