Theresia Tyas Listiyani, Embun Duriyani Soemarso, Winarni Winarni


With the COVID-19 pandemic, the existence of traditional herbal medicine sellers or carrying herbs is taken into account by the community to maintain health and immunity so that they are not easily exposed to the corona virus which increases its spread. The phenomenon of returning to nature to increase immunity with herbal medicine is now a reality that cannot be denied. In addition, it must be acknowledged that the dissemination of knowledge about the efficacy of various types of plants that can cure various diseases and increase immunity. Community Service is carried out in the Pedalangan Village, RW 01, many residents are immigrants or boro to the city and they make a living by producing and selling jamu slings or traditional herbs made from herbs. The problems that exist are the quantity and quality of herbal medicine is low, the types of herbal medicine do not vary, the cleanliness of herbal medicine is lacking, the equipment is still simple, lack of capital and lack of entrepreneurial spirit. Methods of overcoming the problem of entrepreneurship training, business management training, providing financial administration, assistance with appropriate technology-based herbal medicine production tools, Community service can be shown with the following results: (1) Awareness of entrepreneurship partners is increasing. (2) Understanding   of the importance of administration financial improvement (3) Partners can use appropriate technology tools. (4) Post-activity partner assistance by conducting one month post-training shows that there is an increase in production volume, the quality of herbal medicine varies and the market distance increases by 25%.


Traditional herbal medicine; diversification; entrepreneurship; Cost of Goods Sold

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