Bambang Supriyo, Samuel Beta Kuntardjo, Amin Suharjono, Muhammad Mukhlisin


SDN Pudak Payung 01 is a place where teaching and learning activities take place as well as teachers, students and other school staffs meet and gather. In addition, at certain times, the school environment also becomes a gathering place for people who pick up and drop off students, thus triggering a crowd. If in the crowd there are people having  the Covid-19 symptoms who can be contagious, then there is a possibility that virus transmission can occur in the school environment. Thus, the main problem in this school environment is the potential for transmission of the Covid-19 virus form the infected people to the others through touching or standing close to each other. Therefore, keeping clean and health are main top priority, so that the transmission of the covid-19 virus can be minimized and the effect of its spread is reduced significantly. To support this health culture in accordance with health protocols, Pudak Payung 01 Elementary School has provided an touchless automatic temperature measuring device which requires no operator, so it is very helpful for students, teachers and school staffs to independently check their body temperature just before they carry out activities at the school. By checking the body temperature, at least the detection process for people who may have symptoms of being infected with the virus can be carried out early, so that prevention of transmission can be anticipated properly.


Covid 19; Body Temperature; Touchless measurement; No operator measurement; SDN Pudak Payung 01

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