Nanang Apriandi MS, Baiq Henny Sulistiawati, Lalu Yahya Surya Buana, Aiun Hayatu Rabinah


The implementation of good food processing methods (CPPB) in a production process, on the one hand, is often ignored by small business actors (SMEs), not carried out by fish skin cracker SMEs run by partners. On the other hand, the application of CPPB at every stage of the production process is a minimum standard for SMEs to ensure the quality of the food products produced is safe and fit for consumption. This service aims to provide counseling about CPPB to improve the quality of fish skin crackers products made by partners. Implementing the activity uses a Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) approach by involving a group of partners. Technical, operational activities consist of several stages, including (i) preparation for the implementing activities; (ii) counseling in the form of lectures and discussions; and (iii) success evaluation of the activity. The implementation of activities to increase understanding, knowledge, and awareness of the application of good food processing methods at each stage of the production process.


CPPB; fish skin crackers; processing; food; SMEs.

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