Siti Arbainah, Arum Febriyanti Ciptaningtias, Lardin Korawijayanti, Rudi Handoyono, Musyafa Al Farizi


The Milkfish Presto (Banpres) 27 Semarang is a home industry that produces and markets milkfish presto with five flavors, namely original, fried crispy, pepes, fried eggs and otak-otak. The Banpres 27 has not yet implemented comprehensive business management. In the marketing aspect, it shows that the 4P (Product-Price-Place-Promotion) factor has not been used comprehensively and optimally. The results of consumer testimonials stated that Banpres 27 products taste good but the packaging is less attractive for souvenirs. The product is less durable because the packaging has not used a vacuum system. From the aspect of business development, the owner plans to expand his marketing reach and increase product variety. This condition is the background of an agreement between Banpres 27 Semarang and Polines to solve this problem through a community service program with the method of 1) assisting the application of product packaging management to make it attractive; 2) the use of a vacuum press packaging tool so that the product lasts longer; 3) expansion of product marketing using online/internet marketing media; 4) monitoring the program of activities on a regular basis to ensure that the transfer of knowledge and technology provided has been implemented. All of these problem solving methods have been applied with program outputs 1) new communicative and attractive design product packaging; 2) the product is more durable with a vacuum-packed model; 3) Online marketing media in the form of Web and flyers.



presto milkfish; micro industry; processing; packaging; online marketing.

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