Ilham Sayekti, Kusno Utomo, Nur Setiaji Pamungkas, Ulfah Hidayati, Audrey Martika Devi, Feby Adianta, Brillian Hestu Prasojo, Miko Rizka Adrianto, Mochamad Nur Ibrahim, Puput Nining Aulia Dewi


The Arduino-based Smart Door with Body Temperature Access and Room Capacity is a single sliding door meant to prevent the spread of Covid 19 by touching the doorknob and crowding people in a room. The door has a Gy906-BC temperature sensor that is configured to read temperatures between 35oC and 37.5oC, as well as two E18-D80NK sensors that detect movement of individuals entering or exiting the room, allowing the number of people in the room to be counted. The system processes the information and reads the data of persons in the room if someone about to enter the room is detected with a temperature between a preset range.The door will not open if the number of people in the room is equal to the previously decided maximum capacity of the room, and the information board will display "Wait." If the number of people in the room has dropped and is below the maximum limit, the door will open. The ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 is used for exit access, and the door is fitted with an emergency switch in case of an emergency or when the energy supply is shut off. A 12 Volt DC power window motor with a speed of 37 rpm was employed as a door driver. According to the findings of this study, this smart door is an excellent choice for preventing the spread of Covid 19.


Arduino; sensor Gy906-BC; sensor ah E18-D80NK; sensor HC-SR04; Motor DC power window

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