Hadiahti Utami, Nanang Adie Setyawan, Bayu Setyo Nugroho, Mellasanti Ayuwardani, Suharmanto Suharmanto


This Research aims to identify the role of knowledge sharing and motivation in a Learning organization on Employee Performance in order to increase Competitive Advantage in the textile industry. The population of this research is the SMEs in the fashion sector in the city of Semarang. While the sampling technique in this research is purposive sampling method. Meanwhile, the number of research samples is 100 respondents. This research technique uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) in the AMOS 24.0 program. The results of this Research explain that the Learning Organization variable has a positive and significant effect on the knowledge sharing variable with an estimated value of 0.974, the Learning Organization variable has a positive and significant influence on the Motivation variable with a value of 0.974. estimated 1.008, the Learning Organization variable has a positive and significant effect on the Employee Performance variable with an estimated value of 0.532, the Motivation variable has a positive and significant influence on the Employee Performance variable with an estimated value of 0.187, the Knowledge sharing variable has a positive and significant influence on the Employee Performance variable with a value estimation is 0.169, and the Employee Performance variable has a positive and significant effect on the Competitive Advantage variable with an estimated value of 1.156. The output of model in this research makes a positive contribution to the fashion sector SMEs in an effort to realize the continuity of their business, both in the form of suggestions for managerial implications and the formulation of scientific articles and measurement instruments.


Learning organization; Knowledge Sharing; Motivation; Employee Performance; Competitive Advantage.

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