Muhammad Noor Ardiansah, Afiat Sadida, Mardinawati Mardinawati, Ulfah Hidayati, Ahmad Wafa Mansur


The condition of SMEs in the use of e-commerce has not been able to present financial reports adequately, because the reporting feature is only limited to presenting transaction recapitulation. This study seeks to design an open-API-based application based on e-commerce applications by SMEs. This development is needed academically as a study of the application of financial reporting information technology from e-commerce applications adopted by SMEs through the use of open-API. This research has succeeded in implementing the use of APIs for data exchange between Shopee store accounts and Shopee data centers in an interactive and up-to-date manner. The connected data can be presented in a financial reporting information system that allows it to be developed intensively. The prototype of the financial reporting information system can provide periodic information on sales, cost of goods sold, profit or loss. Other information about sales data that has been, is in the process and will be processed can also be presented.


API; Financial Reporting; E-Commerce; SME’s

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