Sri Widiyati, Theresia Tyas Listyani, Rikawati Rikawati, Muhammad Rois


WHO (World Health Organization) has called for stopping paper money as a meant of payment because the corona virus can live on the surface of money several days. This situation causes some people to swich our behavior in payments, namely cashless payments. The research problems is how to accelerate switching behavior in cashless payment in Central Java. The purpose of the study was to identify the determinants and the contraints of the switching behavior to cashless payments for the people of Central Java. The number of samples were 100 people from various regions in Central Java. The data needed is primary data and collected using questioners and depth interview on several respondents. Analysis data use validity, reliability and factoring analysis. Empirical result show that determinan of switching were social aspect, speed, security, pratically and job expectations. Meanwhile , the obstacles are the limited amount of money available and money can be lost, limited ways and places to top up, hedonic tendency, limited space for shopping and the e-money only for payments. 


switching; behaviour; cashless; determinants; contrains.

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