Embun Duriany Soemarso, Mardinawati Mardinawati, Teguh Budi Santosa, Budhi Adhiani Christina, Sumanto Sumanto, Maharani Rona Makom, Winarni Winarni, Sri Widiyati, R Gunawan Setianegara, Nurseto Adhi


Community Service Activities, namely "Utilizing Batik Patches as Fashion Accessories at the Adhighana Banyumanik Youth Organization, Semarang". Based on the identification, the problem can be formulated, Human Resources (HR) of Karang Taruna Adhighana Banyumanik, are not yet competent in entrepreneurship using batik patchwork accessories; Therefore, community service is needed by carrying out debriefing, counseling, training, practice and mentoring.
The output targets of this activity are: (1) Increasing competence in empowering local potential with creative activities in utilizing time with productive activities that can provide social and economic impact. (2) Increasing entrepreneurial competence in managing batik patchwork waste into fashion accessories products. Has an economic value of 60% profit from the selling price. (3) Increasing competence in understanding aspects of economic value, marketing strategies by taking advantage of market opportunities.
The results of Community Service activities that have been carried out on June 11, 2021, are as follows: (1) Realization of competence in empowering local potential with creative activities in utilizing time with productive activities that can have social and economic impacts. (2) The realization of entrepreneurial competence in managing batik patchwork waste into Fashion Accessories products (Necklace, Mask Connector, Beautiful Brooch). Has an economic value of 60% profit from the selling price. (3) Realization of competence in understanding aspects of economic value, marketing strategy by taking advantage of market opportunities.


Batik patchwork waste; Fashion accessories products; Economic value

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